Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Berlusconi sex scandal

Silvio Berlusconi scandal is now one more time live. Berlusconi "Sex Partys" made a big scandal in Italia.

A friend of Silvio Berlusconi in court because she has allegedly recruiting prostitutes for the former Italian Ministerpresident ''Bunga Bunga'' Sex parties attempted suicide in prison. Do you think that isn't Silvio Scandal?

Dario''Lele''Mora, a celebrity talent scout, who in a Milan jail since June on charges of fraudulent bankruptcy of his company talent scout was LM-management was foiled by guards that has been taking a huge part in Berlusconi scandal.

He is on trial, along with Nicole Minetti, an Anglo-Italian former showgirl who was propelled into politics and scandals under the leadership of Mr Berlusconi's patronage, and Dario Fede, a TV presenter on a channel from the former prime minister.

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